Three Things to Do Before Your Chrysler Lease Ends

April 15th, 2023 by

Cleaning Car Before Lease Return

A Chrysler lease has many benefits, including significant savings and access to the latest model options. You’ll also benefit from easy trade-ins, saving you time and money when the time comes for your next car. Woodhouse Chrysler Jeep® Dodge Sioux City is here to help guide you through what to do before your lease draws to a close. 

Collect Up Accessories

People love to customize their cars with extra parts and accessories, but remember that the vehicle must be returned in the same condition it was leased. For example, if you switched your vehicle’s carpeted mats out for all-weather mats, it’s time to switch back. If you don’t, the missing parts can incur a wear-and-tear penalty.

Schedule Your Inspection

You’ll typically need to have your vehicle inspected at the end of a lease. This is to check the mileage and ensure that no damage must be addressed. Give yourself a buffer before you return your vehicle so you have time to handle any necessary repairs.

Decide Your Next Steps

You can return your vehicle at the end of the lease term, but that isn’t your only option. It’s a good idea to consider what you’ll do once your lease ends so you don’t feel pressured to make a snap decision the day you visit the dealership to drop off the keys. You can:

  • Extend your lease
  • Purchase the vehicle for the price set at lease inception
  • Lease another car

Researching gives you time to consider each option’s benefits and financial ramifications.

Full Lease Support at Woodhouse Chrysler Jeep Dodge Sioux City

No matter what your leasing needs might be, Woodhouse Chrysler Jeep Dodge Sioux City is here to help. Learn more about best leasing practices and pick your perfect new model today.

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